Saturday, 23 June 2012

Copying Jobs to Another Table and Deleting Tables in control-m

Copying Jobs to Another Table

To copy one or more jobs from the current table to another table, specify
option C (Copy) in the OPT column of the Job List screen, next to the job
names, and press Enter. The window is displayed:

The window contains the fields shown in the following table. Some fields
contain default values that can be modified.

Fields in the Window for Copying Jobs to Another Table

Field Description
     Library containing the table into which the jobs must be
    copied. Must be an existing library. Default is the current

   Name of the table into which the job must be copied.
  Notes: A job can only be copied to another table. It cannot be
   copied to its own table (even if the job is renamed).
   If the specified table does not exist, the table is created when
   the request is performed.
  Name of the job to be copied. If multiple jobs are selected,
  the window initially display with the first selected job. As each
  request is performed or canceled, the next requested job

To perform a request, press Enter.
To cancel a request, press END (PF03/PF15) or RESET (PF04/PF16).
Group entities cannot be copied. If a job in a Group scheduling table is
copied to a regular scheduling table, it is copied as a regular job; scheduling
tags are dropped from the job scheduling definition. If a job in a Group
scheduling table is copied to a nonexisting table, the table that is created is a
regular table, not a group table.

Deleting Tables

Tables can be deleted from the Table List screen.
To delete tables, specify option D (Delete) by the table names in the Table
List screen and press Enter.
The confirmation window illustrated below is displayed, in sequence, for
each table selected for deletion

Specify Y (Yes) in the window to confirm the delete request.
Specify N (No) in the window to cancel the delete request.
A message is written to the IOA Log file for each table deleted

Ordering (Scheduling) Jobs in control-m

Ordering (Scheduling) Jobs

Although job scheduling in the production environment is generally handled
by CONTROL-M automatically
CONTROL-M provides several mechanisms  for scheduling jobs manually.
 Among these are options to manually request job scheduling from the Table
 List screen and the Job List screen.

• When manually requesting job scheduling from the Job List screen,
specific jobs are selected. Multiple jobs can be specified.
• When manually requesting job scheduling from the Table List screen,
tables are selected and each request applies to all the jobs in the selected
tables. Multiple tables can be specified.

Either of two options, O (Order) and F (Force), can be used in either of these
screens to manually request job scheduling. These options work as follows:

Options for Manually Ordering Jobs
Option Description
 O (ORDER) Basic scheduling parameters of the jobs are checked against
the requested scheduling date. If the job must be scheduled
for that day, a job order is placed on the Active Jobs file.

F (FORCE) Basic scheduling parameters of the jobs are not checked. A
job order is placed on the Active Jobs file that day even if the
scheduling criteria of the job are not satisfied.

When you use the O and F options, a confirmation window is opened. The
default confirmation window is illustrated below. If the default has been
modified in the User profile, an alternate confirmation window, requiring
double confirmation, is opened.

Job Documentation in control-m

Job Documentation

Display and Non-Display of Documentation
Depending on the value of the Show Job Documentation field in the
scheduling facility entry panel, job documentation (that is, DOC lines) are
either displayed or hidden when you first enter the Job Scheduling Definition

• If the Show Job Documentation field is set to Y, job documentation is
displayed upon entry to the Job Scheduling Definition screen.
• If the Show Job Documentation field is set to N, documentation is hidden
upon entry to the Job Scheduling Definition screen.

DOC Command
The DOC command alternately displays and hides the job documentation

Editing Documentation
Documentation can be edited when the DOC lines of the Job Scheduling
Definition screen are displayed. Modify the DOC lines as desired. When you
fill in the last DOC line and press Enter, a new DOC line is displayed.
When modifying DOC lines, text must be left in at least one DOC line in
order to save the modifications. Changes resulting in an empty DOCMEM
member are not saved.

Auto-Save and Saving Documentation
Documentation changes can be saved upon exiting the Job Scheduling
Definition screen. When there are documentation changes, a Save
Documentation window may be displayed depending on the value of the
AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field in the Scheduling Facility entry
• If the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field was set to Y,
documentation changes are automatically saved and the Save
Documentation window is not displayed.
• If the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field was set to N,
documentation changes are not automatically saved and the Save
Documentation window is displayed. This window lets you save or
cancel the documentation changes

Commands of the Job Scheduling Definition Screen in control-m

Commands of the Job Scheduling Definition Screen

The following commands can be specified in the COMMAND field of the
Job Scheduling Definition screen.

Commands of the Job Scheduling Definition Screen
Command Description
    Command FIND locates a particular string.
    Command DOC alternately displays and hides the job
    Command EDIT alternately places the job scheduling
   definition in, and removes the job scheduling definition from,
    an ISPF-like Edit environment. For a brief overview,
   “Editing Job Scheduling Definitions in the Edit Environment.”
    Command NEXT (PF11/PF23) keeps the changes to the
   current job scheduling definition in memory and automatically
   displays the next job scheduling definition in the scheduling

    Command PREV (PF10/PF22) keeps the changes to the
    current job scheduling definition in memory and automatically
   displays the previous job scheduling definition in the
   scheduling table. .
    Command PLAN enables display of the job's scheduling plan.
    When command PLAN is entered, a window for specifying
   the date range of the plan is displayed. When the date range
   is entered, the scheduling plan for the job is displayed in the
    Job Scheduling Plan screen. For more information,
   Command JOBSTAT displays the Statistics screen, which
   provides statistics for the job. For more information,
   To display statistics for the currently displayed job, specify:
    JOBSTAT (abbreviated J)
   To display statistics for any job other than the current job,
   format of the command is:
    JOBSTAT jobname groupname
   Specification of a group name is optional, but if no group
   name is specified, statistics are displayed only for jobs not
    belonging to any group.
   Command CHANGE replaces an existing string with a newstring.
   Format of the command is:
   CHANGE oldstring newstring
   • oldstring is the existing string to be replaced.
    • newstring is the string that replaces the existing string.

Scheduling Definition for Group Entities

Scheduling Definition for Group Entities

A Group Entity must be defined for each Group scheduling table before the
job scheduling definitions in the table can be defined.
A skeletal scheduling definition for a Group Entity is automatically displayed
when creating a Group scheduling table.

The scheduling definition for a Group Entity can also be entered directly
from the Entry Panel or from the Job List screen.
The job scheduling definition for Group Entities varies somewhat from the
job scheduling definition for jobs.

The parameters of the Group Entity are used to define basic scheduling
criteria, runtime scheduling criteria, and post-processing actions to be
performed, for the jobs in the group.

During New Day processing, if at least one set of basic scheduling criteria in
the Group Entity is satisfied, a copy of the Group Entity is placed in the
Active Jobs file, and the jobs in the Group Entity become eligible for

The final status of the Group Entity job order is assigned after all scheduled
jobs in the table have been terminated. This Group Entity status is
determined by the execution results of those jobs:
• If all the scheduled jobs in the table ended OK, the Group Entity is
assigned an end status of OK.
• If at least one scheduled job in the table did not end OK, the Group
Entity is assigned an end status of NOTOK.

The performance of post-processing actions defined in the Group Entity is
directly affected by the end status of the Group Entity.

The Group Entity scheduling definition supports the same commands and
PFKey conventions as any job scheduling definition

Parameters of the Job Scheduling Definition Screen

Parameters of the Job Scheduling Definition Screen

The Job Scheduling Definition screen is divided into the following sections

Parameters of the Job Scheduling Definition Screen
Parameter Description
General Job Parameters
   In this section, you can specify specific information about the
   job itself – in which member and library the JCL is found, who
    is the owner of the job, and so on.
Basic Scheduling  Parameters
   In this section, you can specify scheduling criteria (for
   example, the days of the week or month on which the job
   must be submitted).
Runtime Scheduling Parameters
   In this section, you can specify submission criteria including
  conditions that must be fulfilled (generally, successful
  completion of a preceding job) before submission of the job,
  resources required by the job, and time limitations on job
Post-Processing Parameters
  In this section, you can specify fixed or conditional actions to
   perform upon job completion, or upon the execution of
  specified job steps. For example, you can set conditions that
  trigger the submission of other jobs, you can send messages
   to the operator console, or you can rerun the job

Performing Operations on Tables and Jobs in control-m

Performing Operations on Tables and Jobs

Many operations can be performed on tables and on the job scheduling
definitions in them. These operations are performed through commands and
options in the various screens of the Scheduling Definition facility.
Below is a brief summary of some of the major operations possible within
the facility. Options and commands that have not yet been explained are
explained in detail following the summary.
Accessing (Editing or Browsing) a Table and its Jobs
A table (that is, the job scheduling definitions in the table) can be browsed or

When browsed, the table cannot be modified or updated. When the table is
edited, new job scheduling definitions can be added and existing job
scheduling definitions can be modified or deleted.

Browsing, however, has advantages:
• Access and exit are quicker than in editing.
• Job lists and job scheduling definitions that are in use by another user can
be viewed.
• Access for browsing might be granted, even though access for editing

might be denied due to site security requirements.

To browse a table (and its job list and job scheduling definitions) use the
BROWSE option in the Table List screen.
Specifying the table name in the entry panel or using the SELECT option in
the Table List screen provides edit access.
Depending on User Profile definitions, if the table requested for editing is in
use, either access is granted in Browse mode or access is not granted.

Accessing a Job’s JCL
When IOA is activated under ISPF, the member containing the JCL of a job
can be accessed by the JCL command in the Job List screen. Whether the
member can be modified and updated depends on whether the Job List screen
was accessed in Browse or Edit mode.

Copying a Job to Another Table
Jobs can be copied from one table to another by the COPY option in the Job
List screen.

Deleting a Table or a Job
Unneeded jobs can be deleted using the DELETE option in the Job List
screen. For more information,
. Unneeded tables can be deleted by the DELETE option in the
Table List screen.
The job flow of jobs in a table can be displayed in graphic format by the
GRAPHIC FLOW option in the Table List screen.

Creating Tables in Control-m

Creating Tables

Tables can be created in any of the following ways:

• by specifying the new table name in the entry panel and pressing Enter
The name of a new job scheduling definition for the new table can also
be specified.

• by using the SELECT command to specify the new table name in the
Table List screen and pressing Enter

Upon entering the create table request using either of the above methods, a
skeletal job scheduling definition (that is, one with most fields not filled in) is
displayed in the Job Scheduling Definition screen.

Fill in and save this job scheduling definition. The table is created and the job
scheduling definition is the first and only job scheduling definition in the Job
list of the table. As additional job scheduling definitions are created in the
table (described below), they are added to the Job list.

Upon exiting the Job List screen, if changes were made in at least
one job scheduling definition, an Exit Option window is displayed.
One field of the window displays the table name. This value can be
changed to a new table name. This creates a new table in which the
job scheduling definitions are saved.

Under ISPF, tables can also be created using online utility M5. This
method is described in “M5: Quick Schedule Definition Facility” on
page 2-250, and is not included in this discussion.

Online Access Using CONTROL/Web Access

Online Access Using CONTROL/WebAccess

CONTROL/WebAccess enables users of INCONTROL products to access
and use those products directly through the Internet or an Intranet.
CONTROL/WebAccess handles the interaction between INCONTROL
products running on an OS/390 mainframe and a standard Web browser, such
as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator.
Note: CONTROL/WebAccess is a separately licensed product, which may
or may not be available at your site.

When using CONTROL/WebAccess to access INCONTROL products
through the Internet or an Intranet, product functionality remains essentially
the same as if access was provided using a terminal connected directly to the
mainframe. CONTROL/WebAccess provides several advantages, including:
• Universal Availability
INCONTROL products can be accessed and used from anywhere in the
• User Friendly Interface
CONTROL/WebAccess can be used immediately by anyone who is
familiar with a standard Web browser.
Accessing CONTROL/WebAccess

To access the CONTROL/WebAccess Server, perform the following steps:

Step 1 Open your browser.

Step 2 In the Address field of Microsoft Internet Explorer, or in the Location field of
Netscape Communicator, enter the URL of your CONTROL/WebAccess
Server. (The URL is supplied by your System Administrator).
You can also access CONTROL/WebAccess using a URL supplied as a
hyperlink on a document or Web page.
Upon entering (or linking to) the URL, the CONTROL/WebAccess Login
screen is displayed.

Step 3 Enter your User Name, Password and the Transaction ID (TRANID) supplied
by your INCONTROL administrator. Your User Name and Password must be
registered to enable you to log in to the system. The default TRANID for
access to all installed INCONTROL products is: iall

Step 4 Click the LOGIN button to initiate the login. After successfully logging in,
the CONTROL/WebAccess main menu is displayed:

AutoRefresh Mode

AutoRefresh Mode

Certain INCONTROL screens (as noted in this chapter where appropriate)
support AutoRefresh mode. A screen display in AutoRefresh mode is
automatically updated periodically with the most current data.
AutoRefresh mode can only be activated under native TSO or under ISPF.
AutoRefresh mode is activated by command AUTO. The format of the
command is

where n is any number of seconds within the range of 1 through 99.
The screen is updated when the AUTO command is issued, and then
periodically updated according to the interval (in seconds) specified in the
AUTO command. A counter at the top of the screen displays the number of
times the screen has been refreshed.

Command AUTO 5 refreshes the screen every 5 seconds.
Cancelling AutoRefresh Mode

Under native TSO, the recommended method of cancelling AutoRefresh
mode is as follows:
• For short interval values – Press Enter. Whenever Enter is pressed (or a
command is issued), AutoRefresh mode is automatically cancelled at the
end of the current interval.

• For long interval values – Press <ATTN> (PA1) once.
Under ISPF, press <ATTN> (PA1) or <ESC> once to cancel AutoRefresh


CANCEL and RESET Commands

IBM PRODUCTION tool CONTOL-M Material, control-m interview questions
and answers, control-m materiel, mainframe interview questions
and answers

CANCEL and RESET commands are specified in the COMMAND field.
The CANCEL command cancels changes made in a definition screen, for
example the IOA Calendar Definition screen, and exits the screen.

The RESET command or PFKey (PF04/PF16) cancels Edit environment
options specified in a definition screen. It does not cancel changes already
made and it does not exit the screen or cancel Edit environment mode. For
more information about the Edit environment, see Appendix A, “Editing Job
Scheduling Definitions in the Edit Environment.”

The RESET PFKey can also be used in most windows, for example, the
Show Screen Filter window, to cancel changes and close the window.


LOCATE Command

The LOCATE command can be used in all “directory type” screens that
contain scrollable data (for example, the Calendar List screen). The syntax of
the command is
LOCATE string
The string must be specified as is. It cannot contain blanks. Quotation marks
are not required.

The search proceeds from the top of the list to the first item in the list that
starts with the specified string. The cursor is positioned on the OPTION field
at the beginning of the line containing the string, if found, or on the OPTION
field of the alphabetically closest preceding value if the specified value is not

FIND Command
The FIND command, and its abbreviation F, can be used in all screens that
contain scrollable data to find and display the next occurrence of a character
string. The syntax of the command is
FIND string [fromcol] [tocol] [PREV]
• string is the search string
• fromcol is the first column in the search range
• tocol is the last column in the search range
Optional. Requires specification of a fromcol value.
• PREV is the indicator that the search must move backwards (instead of
forwards) from the current cursor position

The FIND command supports lowercase, uppercase and mixed case
arguments (strings).
If the string contains blanks, enclose the string with apostrophes (‘single
quotes’) or quotation marks (“double quotes”). For example:

The search for the string proceeds from the current cursor position forward,
or backward if PREV is specified. If the string is found, the cursor is
positioned at the start of the string.
The column range searched can be limited by specifying fromcol and/or tocol
To repeat the find, to the next and previous occurrence of the string, press
Some screens enable the user to limit the number of lines searched by a
FIND command. This is discussed in the relevant screen descriptions.

Commands and PFKeys in Control-m

Commands and PFKeys

Commands are specified by typing a command in the COMMAND field and
then pressing Enter, or by pressing a predefined PFKey, or a combination of

It is not necessary to specify the full command name; the shortest unique
abbreviation of the command is sufficient. If the abbreviation is ambiguous,
an appropriate message is displayed in the message area.

IOA commands are flexible; you can change command syntax or provide
aliases (synonyms) to suit your site. Consult your BMC Software technical
support representative if you want to add or change a command syntax. The
examples provided in this chapter exhibit the original command syntax
supplied with this INCONTROL product.

PFKey command assignments can be site-customized. It is possible to define
PFKeys differently for each screen.

Supplied PFKey definitions are consistent throughout most of the screens.
For example: PF08 is used to scroll down (forward) on all INCONTROL
screens where scrolling is possible.

Common PFKey Definitions
PFKey                 Description
PF01/PF13          HELP
PF02/PF14          SHOW (where applicable)a
                            a When the IOA Online facility is activated in ISPF mode (as an ISPF application),
PF02/PF14          are usually assigned the ISPF SPLIT command. For more information,
                             see “IOA Under ISPF” on page 2-25.
PF03/PF15          END (exit current screen and go back one level)
PF04/PF16          RESET (where applicable)
PF05/PF17          FIND (where applicable)
PF06/PF18 =6    (transfer to TSO screen/application or to UTILITIES
PF07/PF19           UP (scroll backward)
PF08/PF20           DOWN (scroll forward)
PF10/PF22           LEFT or PREV (where applicable)
PF11/PF23            RIGHT or NEXT (where applicable)
PF12                    RETRIEVE (Retrieves a sequence of commands and options
                            entered by the user during the current session. These
                            commands and options are displayed in reverse order on the
                            command line of the current screen.)

Friday, 22 June 2012

Multi-Screen Control in control-m

Multi-Screen Control

It is not necessary to return to the IOA Primary Option menu to move from
one online facility to another.

To speed up transfer of control between screens of different facilities and to
enable you to manage several online facilities at the same time, transfer
control commands can be specified. Transfer commands take you directly
from your current screen to the requested screen. Transfer commands can be
used to reach any screen that can be accessed by the IOA Primary Option
menu at your site.

Each transfer control command consists of an equal sign immediately
followed by the IOA Primary Option menu, which represents the target
screen of the transfer. For example, from any screen, specify:

IOA Transfer Control Commands
Command Description

=5 to access the IOA Log screen.
=4 to access the IOA Conditions/Resources screen.
=1 to access the IOA Primary Option menu.

IOA Primary Option Menu in control-m

IOA Primary Option Menu

The IOA Primary Option menu is the primary interface to functions available
under the various INCONTROL products. The options displayed in the menu
depend on the INCONTROL products installed at the site, and the functions
and facilities that have been authorized to you.

If only CONTROL-M is installed at your site, and you are authorized to
access all functions and facilities, the following screen is displayed:
Note: When the Online facility is activated as an ISPF application, option 6
is displayed as “6 UTILITIES Online Utilities.” In this case, option 6
activates the Online utilities under ISPF. When the Online facility is
not activated under TSO or TSO/ISPF, option 6 is inactive.

IOA Primary Option Menu where CONTROL-M Only is Installed
IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU ------------------(1)

2 JOB SCHEDULE DEF CTM Job Scheduling Definition
3 ACTIVE ENV. CTM Active Environment Display
4 COND/RES IOA Conditions/Resources Display
5 LOG IOA Log Display
6 TSO Enter TSO Command
7 MANUAL COND IOA Manual Conditions Display
8 CALENDAR DEF IOA Calendar Definition
IV VARIABLE DATABASE IOA Variable Database Definition Facility
C CMEM DEFINITION CTM Event Manager Rule Definition

To select an option, type the option number and letter in the OPTION field
and press Enter. Alternatively, for a number option, press the PFKey with the
same number. For example, to select the LOG option, press PF05.

Your INCONTROL administrator can limit the options displayed on
a user-by-user basis, and can alter option numbers and customize
option descriptions. Product-supplied default options are discussed in
this manual.

IOA Entry Panel in Control-m

IOA Entry Panel

Enter the IOA Online facility according to the instructions of your
INCONTROL administrator. Upon entering the IOA Online facility, the IOA
entry panel may be displayed.

Note: Display of the IOA Entry Panel is optional. If your INCONTROL
administrator determined that the entry panel is bypassed, the IOA
Primary Option menu, which is discussed later in this chapter, is

Figure  IOA Entry Panel

--------------------------- IOA ENTRY PANEL -------------------------------
| |
| USER ID ===> |
| |
| PASSWORD ===> |
| |
| NEW PASSWORD ===> ===> |
| |
Type your user ID and password and press Enter. If you enter a correct user
ID and password, the IOA Primary Option menu is displayed.
The IOA Online facility allows three attempts to enter a valid user ID and
password combination. After the third unsuccessful attempt, the program is
To change a password, type the new password twice: Once in the NEW
PASSWORD field (A) and once in the confirmation field (B).

Automatic Job Flow Adjustment in control-m

Automatic Job Flow Adjustment

Predecessor and successor job flows are established through the use of
prerequisite conditions that are defined in the job scheduling definition.
Successor and predecessor jobs are identified as either “immediate” or
“eventual,” relative to a specified job:

• An immediate predecessor and successor relationship exists between jobs
when one job is directly dependent on prerequisite conditions added by
the other job.

• An eventual predecessor and successor relationship exists between jobs if
their dependency is indirectly established through a “chain” of immediate
predecessor and successor jobs.

From the network of predecessor and successor jobs, critical paths can be
identified. A critical path is a chain of jobs that must be executed in their
appropriate sequence in order for a specified job to run. A job can have more
than one critical path, if different jobs set the same OUT condition, or if a job
has OR logic in its IN conditions.

The Job Dependency Network screen, accessed through the Active
Environment screen, enables you to view the network of predecessor and
successor jobs for a specified job and determine the critical paths for the job.
Although it is prerequisite conditions that define predecessor and successor
job relationships, the actual job flow along a critical path can be greatly
impacted by the following runtime scheduling criteria in the job scheduling

Runtime Scheduling Criteria
Criteria Description

PRIORITY As mentioned earlier in “Job Priority,” a PRIORITY value affects
the job’s selection order (relative to other jobs).

DUE OUT Specifies the time by which the job must finish executing.

Prerequisite Condition Concept in control-m

Prerequisite Condition Concept

The prerequisite condition concept is one of the key concepts of
CONTROL-M production control.

Prerequisite conditions enable the establishment of job dependencies and,
when a job normally requires manual intervention, such as determination that
a cartridge arrived on-site, ensures that the manual conditions are satisfied
before the job is submitted.

A prerequisite condition is a user-defined, descriptive name given to a certain
situation or condition. Prerequisite conditions may be specified in any of
three types of statements in a job scheduling definition:

Prerequisite Condition Statements

Statement Description

IN statements These statements must be satisfied (that is, the prerequisite
condition must exist) before the job can be submitted.

OUT statements These statements are performed, that is, the prerequisite
conditions are added or deleted, only when the job ends OK.

DO COND statements
Whether these statements are performed (that is, the
prerequisite conditions are added or deleted) depends on the
execution results of the job.

DO statements in a job scheduling definition accompany ON
statements. The ON statements define step and code criteria.
If the specified code criteria are satisfied for the specified
steps, the accompanying DO statements are performed.

Handling of Job Groups IN CONTROL-M

Handling of Job Groups

Normally, the handling of each job in a table is independent of the handling
of the other jobs in the table. Each job is handled according to the criteria
specified in its own job scheduling definition.

However, the Scheduling Definition facility also supports the handling of
jobs as a group. Such jobs are defined in a special scheduling table, called a
Group scheduling table. Each Group scheduling table has a special job
scheduling definition, called a Group Entity. Group handling criteria for the
entire group of jobs are specified in this Group Entity. These include:

Group Handling Criteria

Criteria                                   Description
Basic Scheduling criteria         Scheduling criteria to be applied to jobs in the group.
Runtime Scheduling criteria     Required runtime criteria for all scheduled jobs in the
Post Processing actions          Actions to be performed when all scheduled jobs in the
                                              group have finished executing with the appropriate



SYSDATA is the term used to designate the data in three job sysout datasets:
• job log (console messages)
• expanded JCL
• system output messages

SYSDATA datasets are usually produced for each execution of a job or
started task. However, not all three datasets are necessarily present in all
cases. For example, in JES2, if a job is canceled by the operator before
execution, the system output messages dataset might not be produced.
For jobs, the output class for this data is defined by one of the following:
• MSGCLASS parameter on the job card, which is added or overwritten by
CONTROL-M during job submission.

• JCL job-level //OUTPUT statement using the JESDS subparameter.
• Default values defined in JES initialization parameters.
• For started tasks, the output class for this data is defined in JES
initialization parameters.

When CONTROL-R is installed, it uses the SYSDATA to analyze the
execution of a job order, beginning with the archived SYSDATA of the most
recent non-restarted run.

Rerun and Restart IN control-m

Rerun and Restart

Rerun and restart are two distinct, though related, concepts.
Rerun is the re-execution of a job from the beginning. Job rerun is a
CONTROL-M feature.

Restart is the re-execution of a job from a predefined step. Restart is usually
performed from the step that failed, although it can be performed from an
earlier step, if necessary. Restart utilizes the successful steps from the failed
job execution, thereby limiting the amount of processing required to
complete successful job execution. This results in lower CPU overhead, and
can make a big difference in the timely completion of processing.
A basic MVS restart capability is available,

We do not recommend this method. This type of restart starts execution of
the job from the failed step. However, no auxiliary restart functions are

By contrast, at sites in which CONTROL-R is installed, CONTROL-R restart
is available. In addition to performing restart from the desired step, with the
capability of automatic step rollback when necessary, CONTROL-R
automatically performs auxiliary restart functions. These include the
cataloging and scratching of datasets, prevention of NOT CATLGD 2 errors,
and so on.

Instructions for rerun and restart can be defined in the job scheduling
definition. Rerun is defined with the DO RERUN statement. Restart is
defined with the DO IFRERUN statement. They can be defined to be
performed automatically or to be performed upon manual confirmation.

Job Ordering and Job Forcing in CONTROL-M

Job Ordering and Job Forcing

Job ordering is the placing of a job scheduling definition in the Active Jobs
file when the job’s basic scheduling criteria are satisfied.

Most production jobs are automatically ordered during New Day processing.
However, jobs can be manually ordered, as well.

Job forcing is the placing of a job scheduling definition in the Active Jobs
file regardless of the job’s basic scheduling criteria

Although any job can be forced, job forcing is generally requested for special
purpose, or exception, jobs that are not normally scheduled:

• Jobs can be automatically forced as part of the post-processing of another
job. For example, a particular job may be required only if a certain other
job abends. In this case, it is forced during the post-processing for the
abended job.

• Jobs can also be forced manually.
 For example, a routine job that is
generally ordered automatically according to its scheduling criteria can
be manually forced, if required, on a day it is not normally scheduled

IOA Manual Conditions Screen in CONTROL-M

IOA Manual Conditions Screen

The IOA Manual Conditions screen is accessed through option 7 of the IOA
Primary Option menu. It displays the IOA Manual Conditions file, which
contains the list of prerequisite conditions that must be added manually.

These are IN conditions that are required by scheduled jobs but are not added
by scheduled jobs, that is, these conditions are not listed as OUT or DO
COND conditions in the Active Jobs file.

These conditions fall into the following categories:
• conditions that are never automatically added by scheduled jobs because
manual confirmation is always desired, for example, TAPE-ARRIVED
• conditions that are normally added automatically by scheduled jobs, but
the jobs that add them are not scheduled
For the conditions listed in the Manual Conditions screen to be added to the
IOA Conditions file, manual intervention is required.

The IOA Manual Conditions screen enables the user to:
• view the list of Manual Conditions
• select and add listed conditions, as desired, to the IOA Conditions file

IOA Conditions/Resources Screen and IOA Log Screen

IOA Conditions/Resources Screen

The IOA Conditions/Resources screen is accessed through option 4 of the
IOA Primary Option menu. It displays information from the IOA Conditions
file, which contains the list of all existing prerequisite conditions, and the
CONTROL-M Resources file, which contains the list of Quantitative
resources and Control resources. The IOA Conditions/Resources screen
enables the user to
• view IOA prerequisite conditions
• view CONTROL-M Quantitative resources
• add or delete prerequisite conditions and/or resources
• change the available quantity of Quantitative resources

IOA Log Screen

The IOA Log screen, accessed through option 5 of the IOA Primary Option
menu, displays the IOA Log file. The IOA Log file contains messages that
record every significant event in the life of all jobs or started tasks, rules,
missions, and other functions that are under the control of IOA products. This
includes messages generated for normal processing, such as job submitted,
error conditions (if any) encountered during processing, and messages
directed to the Log file from the SHOUT facility.

Online Tracking and Control Facility in CONTROL-M

Active Environment (Status) Screen: Online Tracking and Control Facility

The Online Tracking and Control facility is accessed through option 3 of the
IOA Primary Option menu. It is the main user interface to the monitoring of
the jobs scheduled for the day. This facility consists of a number of screens,
each providing the user with relevant information and options

The main screen of this facility is the Active Environment screen. (Prior to
version 6.0.00, this screen, which displays the status of each job order in the
Active Jobs file, was referred to as the Status screen.) All screens and
windows available in the Online Tracking and Control facility are accessed
through the Active Environment screen. In the Online Tracking and Control
facility, you can perform the following functions:
• view the status of each job order in the Active Jobs file
• place a job in HELD status or free a HELD job
• delete a job order
• obtain a statistical overview of the status of jobs in the Active
Environment screen
• see why a job in the Active Jobs file has not been submitted. If job
submission is held up due to missing prerequisite conditions, you can
optionally add those conditions manually
• display a job’s Log file to view all messages issued for the job
• zoom in on the parameters of a job order
This includes not only the job scheduling definition parameters, but also
parameters determined by the CONTROL-M monitor at runtime. Manual
update of some of these parameters for the job order is permitted.
• view a job’s documentation
• add notes to a job, for example, to document actions that were taken
• confirm the scheduling, rerun, or restart (if CONTROL-R is active), of a
job that has been defined as requiring manual confirmation
• view the execution history of all orders of a job, and view the job order
• view the accumulated statistics of successful executions of a job
• view the list of job dependencies for a specific job, that is, the
predecessor and successor jobs of the selected job, and perform manual
job flow adjustment, such as priority adjustment
You can filter which jobs in the Active Jobs file are displayed in the Active
Environment screen.

Scheduling Definition Facility in CONTROL-M

Scheduling Definition Facility

The CONTROL-M Scheduling Definition facility is accessed through
option 2 of the Primary Option menu. It is the main online facility for
creating, defining, modifying, and deleting
• scheduling tables
• job scheduling definitions
In addition, this facility can be used to
• edit a job’s JCL
• produce a job (scheduling) plan
• display job statistics
• copy a job definition
• manually order or force jobs
    Ordering places the requested job in the Active Jobs file only if
    its basic scheduling criteria are met. Forcing places the requested
    job in the Active Jobs file regardless of its basic scheduling
• Graphically display a job flow of the jobs in a table

Enhanced Runtime Scheduling Algorithm and Online User Interface in CONTROL-M

Enhanced Runtime Scheduling Algorithm

Jobs sharing a pipe are called “pipe participants.” CONTROL-M recognizes
each set of interrelated pipes and participants as a single, comprehensive unit
called a Collection. All pipe participants are submitted concurrently, after
verification that all required resources, such as prerequisite conditions or
Quantitative resources, are available. This method ensures that participants
do not wait for other participants to start executing, for example, at
synchronization points.

Online User Interface to CONTROL-M

Until now, we have seen how CONTROL-M automates the production
environment and we have discussed a number of available facilities that
enhance the functionality of CONTROL-M.

However, as mentioned earlier, CONTROL-M provides an online user
interface that enables the user to:
• interface with most of the previously described facilities
• intervene in the process of production management
• immediately access up-to-date information from the production
The online user interface is provided through online facilities that are
accessed through the IOA Primary Option menu.

Certain online facilities are unique to CONTROL-M, and other facilities are
shared by many or all products.



CONTROL-M provides scheduling support for pipes at sites that have
CONTROL-M/WorkLoad installed. A pipe is a processor storage buffer that
enables data to be passed between applications without using DASD or tape.

CONTROL-M/WorkLoad uses pipes to replace sequential job processing
with parallel processing wherever feasible. Jobs and job steps normally run
sequentially because they depend on data files that become available only
after the application that creates them completes execution. When pipes are
used, an application does not need to finish running before the data it
generates is available to other applications. This significantly reduces I/O
operations and delays, and speeds up processing, because pipes enable
movement of data using processor storage instead of writing and reading data
to and from external storage.

CONTROL-M scheduling support for CONTROL-M/WorkLoad pipes
consists of the following components:

• job scheduling definition support
• enhanced runtime scheduling algorithm

Simulation and Forecasting Facility And Automatic Tape Adjustment in CONTROL-M

Simulating Job Execution and Forecasting Resource Usage: Simulation and Forecasting

Using statistics accumulated by the Statistics facility, the Simulation and
Forecasting facility simulates the actions of the CONTROL-M monitor under
the conditions specified in simulation parameters.

The Simulation and Forecasting facility enables you to forecast anticipated
job load for a specified time in the future, and to forecast the effects of
possible changes to the system, such as the impact of:
• removing four tape drives
• increasing CPU power by 30%
• changing the time at which certain jobs are executed

The Simulation and Forecasting facility can improve the efficiency of your
site. It can help with resource and configuration decisions, and it can help
with the planning of workload scheduling to achieve maximum utilization of

Automatic Tape Adjustment

The Automatic Tape Adjustment facility collects and analyzes statistics
regarding tape drive usage, and automatically allocates the appropriate
number of tape drives at job order time. This facility, which can be
implemented by your INCONTROL administrator, overrides any tape drive
Quantitative resource value specified in the job scheduling definition. For
more information, see the descriptions of the Statistics screen in Chapter 2,
“Online Facilities,” and the RESOURCE parameter in Chapter 3, “Job
Production Parameters.”

Thursday, 21 June 2012

CA7 Questions

1.What is Ca7?       View Answer

2. What is Advantages of CA-7?    View Answer

3. What Are The Functions of CA-7?  View Answer

4.What is Due out of Time In Ca7?  View Answer

5.What is Elapsed Time  In Ca7?    View Answer

6.What is Lead Time in Ca7?   View Answer

7.How Many Types of Queues in Ca7?  View Answer

8.How the job Moves in Queues in Ca7?  View Answer

9.What are Commands used in Request Queue In Ca7? View Answer

10.How to scheduling of a job into the CA-7 request queue? View Answer

11.How to remove the jobs from the Request Queue?  View Answer

12.What is Ready Queue in Ca7?  View Answer

13. How to check Active Jobs in spool?  View Answer

14. How to check Status of jobs in spool?  View Answer

15.How to Hold of job In spool?  View Answer

16.How long does a job wait in REQ Queue? View Answer

17.What commands Are used For General inquiry in Ca7? View Answer

18. What commands Are used For forecasting  in Ca7? View Anawer

19.What commands Are used For Database Maintenance in Ca7? View Answer

20..What commands Are used For Queue Maintenance in Ca7? View Answer

21. What Are The Steps needed to add a job to CA-7? View Answer

22.What Are The Job Definition Panel parameters in Ca7? View Answer

23.What Are TheJob Scheduling Panel  parameters in Ca7? View Answer

24. What Are The Functions Of Job Scheduling Panel  in Ca7? View Answer to run jobs in override library? View Answer

26 how to run jobs in staging library?  View Answer to restart job in Ca7?  View Answer to add request in ca7? View Answer to cancel job in ca7? View Answer

30.How to job triggering in ca7? View Answer to add predecessor of job in ca7? View Answer to add negative dependency in ca7? view Answer

33.How To changing job in ca7? View Answer

34. How Many Types triggers in ca7?  View Answer

35.How to verifying job structure in ca7? View Answer

36.How To changing job characteristics in ca7? View Answer

37. What Use Of Demamand In ca7?  View Answer View Answer

39.What is the use lq command in ca7? View Answer

40.What difference between cancel and force Complete? View Answer

41.What is difference between demand and run?  View Answer

42.How to making temporary changes to jcl? View Answer

43.How To forecast structures in Ca7? View Answer do find out what has happened? View Answer

45.How To define dataset in ca7? View Answer

46. How To Maintain base-calendars in Ca7 ? View Answer

Accumulating Statistics: Statistics Facility in CONTROL-M

Accumulating Statistics: Statistics Facility in CONTROL-M

As part of the post-processing for each job,   CONTROL-M   determines the
elapsed run time of the job. All accumulated information regarding job
execution, including the elapsed run time, is written to the IOA Log file.

Periodically, a statistics utility may be used to scan and analyze the IOA Log
file. This utility gathers information about the start time of each job, its
elapsed run time, CPU utilization time, and so on. The utility places this
information in the Statistics file, where averages of these values can be
maintained for each job.

Statistics facility averages may be used for several purposes:

• to determine if the execution time of a job falls outside of a statistically
normal range of time, which would indicate an execution delay or
• to calculate DUE-IN time for use by the Deadline Scheduling facility,
which is discussed under “Automatic Job Flow Adjustment” on
page 1-35
• to determine when a shout message must be issued based on the elapsed
time of the job
• to simulate job executions and forecast the impact of changes to the
system (described briefly below)
• to determine if a job can complete execution before the CONTROL-M
planned shutdown time (QUIESCE command)

IOA Calendar Facility in Controal-M

Using Calendars to Schedule Jobs: IOA Calendar Facility

Specification of scheduling criteria for jobs can be simplified by using
calendars. A calendar is a defined schedule that can be applied to jobs, such
as Mondays through Fridays in each week in each month
Calendars are defined in the Calendar facility. Each calendar is assigned a
unique name that can be specified in job scheduling definitions. A particular
calendar (that is, schedule) need only be defined once.
Specifying the name of a calendar in job scheduling definitions causes that
calendar to be used to schedule those jobs.

Two types of calendars can be defined:
• regular
• periodic

Regular Calendars
Regular calendars consist of scheduling dates or days of the week that can be
defined according to monthly patterns.
For example
• WEEKDAYS – schedules jobs each Monday through Friday in each
• WEEKENDS – schedules jobs on every Saturday and Sunday in each
• QUARTERLY – schedules jobs on the last date in each quarter:
March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31.
Regular calendars are especially useful when many jobs have the same
schedule. Defining the schedule once in a calendar, and specifying the
calendar name in the job scheduling definition of the jobs with that schedule,
makes it unnecessary to individually define that schedule in each job
scheduling definition.

Periodic Calendars
Periodic calendars are especially useful when scheduling dates do not easily
conform to fixed date or day of the week or month patterns.
For example
• PAYCAL – Calendar used for jobs that are scheduled every other
Wednesday (such as payroll jobs). Scheduling occurs on the first, third,
and (if there is one) fifth Wednesday of some months. Scheduling may
occur on the second and fourth Wednesday of other months

Handling External Events: CMEM Facility in CONTROL-M

Handling External Events: CMEM Facility in in CONTROL-M

External events are events in the system that occur outside the control of the
CONTROL-M monitor, such as the submission of a job. The CONTROL-M
Event Manager (CMEM) facility enables CONTROL-M to respond to and
handle such events.

Through rules defined online through the CMEM Rule Definition facility,
CONTROL-M must perform in response to external events.
The following types of events are handled by the CMEM facility:

Event                 Description

Job Arrival -------> Arrival of a job on the JES spool, from any source.
Job End     --------> Completion of a job, regardless of its source.
Dataset Event-------> Either the setting of a dataset disposition at deallocation time or
                         the occurrence of a NOT CATLGD 2 event.
Step   ------------>   Termination of a procedure (and optionally, a program) step.

The following actions can be performed by the CMEM facility:

• force one or more CONTROL-M jobs
• add prerequisite conditions to, or delete prerequisite conditions from, the
IOA Conditions file and the CONTROL-M Resources file
• stop the job in which the event occurs
• invoke a CONTROL-O rule, if CONTROL-O is active at the site
• send a message to a specified location using the CONTROL-O SHOUT
facility, if CONTROL-O is active at the site
• bring under the control of the CONTROL-M monitor a job submitted
outside the control of the CONTROL-M monitor, such as a job submitted
by a TSO user Such a job is called an On Spool job, and the control of On Spool jobs is
one of the most important functions of CMEM.

Handling Jobs in the NJE Network in CONTROL-M

Handling Jobs in the NJE Network in CONTROL-M

     The CONTROL-M monitor handles the control of complex distributed
production environments where jobs may be routed for execution to different
nodes of the NJE network according to the business needs of the enterprise.
CONTROL-M differentiates between host and remote nodes in the NJE
network as follows:

NJE Network Nodes

Node                  Description

Host node -------> NJE network node under which the CONTROL-M monitor is
                           active and the NJE job is submitted to MVS/JES by the monitor.
 Remote node--------->NJE network node to which a job was sent from the host node

An NJE job is a job submitted by the CONTROL-M monitor for execution
on a remote node. CONTROL-M can detect the status of jobs running on a
remote node so that once these jobs finish executing, CONTROL-M can
assign a status to them.

IOA Log Facility

Messages issued by CONTROL-M are written to the IOA Log file. The IOA
Log file is a repository for messages issued by all INCONTROL products.
Through the IOA Log facility, the user can examine messages issued by
CONTROL-M during the processing of a job

Automated Job Post-Processing in CONTROL-M

Automated Job Post-Processing in CONTROL-M

Once the job has executed, the CONTROL-M monitor implements the
post-processing instructions defined in the job scheduling definition.
Post-processing instructions can be defined for virtually any situation (job
ended successfully, job abended, a particular condition code occurred in a
particular step, and so on).

• As part of post-processing, CONTROL-M can do the following:
• add a prerequisite condition to, or delete a prerequisite condition from,
the IOA Conditions file
This can trigger or prevent the submission of a job in the Active Jobs file.
• force the placement of a job scheduling definition into the Active Jobs
file, regardless of the job’s basic scheduling criteria
• set AutoEdit variables
• send (shout) a specified message to a specified location through the
SHOUT facility or by electronic mail
• send a message by mail to the recipient identified by the mail name
• change the final status of a job to OK or NOTOK
• andle the job’s SYSOUT
This includes changing its class, deleting it, rerouting it to another node,
releasing it for printing, or copying it to another location.
• if CONTROL-B is active, invoke a CONTROL-B rule
• rerun a job
• perform an MVS job restart; for more information, see the description of
parameter OUT in Chapter 3, “Job Production Parameters”
• if CONTROL-R is active, perform a CONTROL-R job restart
• if CONTROL-R is active, automatically archive certain portions of the
job’s output
• stop recycling of cyclic job

Journaling and Restoration Capability in CONTROL-M

Journaling and Restoration Capability

bm production tool CONTROL-M  materiel, CONTROL-M  Interview questions
And Answers For  Journaling and Restoration Capability  in CONTROL-M 

The CONTROL-M Journal file collects data about changes occurring in the
CONTROL-M Active Jobs file, the IOA Conditions file and the
CONTROL-M Resources file during the CONTROL-M working day.
The Journal file is initialized each day during New Day processing. From
that point on, for the rest of the working day, the CONTROL-M monitor
records in the Journal file all job processing activities that impact the
CONTROL-M Active Jobs file, and all prerequisite condition additions to
and deletions from the IOA Conditions file and the CONTROL-M Resources

If the CONTROL-M Active Jobs file, and optionally the IOA Conditions file
and the CONTROL-M Resources file, need to be restored, for example,
following a system crash, utility CTMRSTR can be run to restore the files.
The utility uses data from the Journal file to restore the files to the status they
had at any specific time after the last run of the New Day procedure.

The CONTROL-M Journal file is initialized each day during New Day
processing. Therefore, the time at which the New Day procedure initialized
the Journal file is the earliest time to which the CONTROL-M Active Jobs
file, the CONTROL-M Resources file, or the IOA Conditions file can be

Journaling and Restoration is an optional feature that can be activated by the
INCONTROL administrator

mmediate Detection and Notification of Problems

Immediate Detection and Notification of Problems: Shout Facility

ibm production tool CONTROL-M matirial. CONTROL-M
When a problem or an unexpected situation or delay occurs, CONTROL-M
can notify the appropriate personnel. These situations and problems are
detected by analysis of a job’s sysout.

Notification is issued by the Shout facility, which can send messages to a
variety of destinations including the operator console, a TSO user, and the
IOA Log file.

CONTROL-M can also be instructed to issue a SHOUT message in the event
an exception occurs at time of job submission and/or during job execution,
such as when a job completes before, or later than, its anticipated completion

History Jobs File

During New Day processing, jobs that have ended OK or whose retention
period has expired according to job scheduling definition parameters are
deleted from the Active Jobs file.

If CONTROL-R is installed, these jobs can be placed in the History Jobs file
during New Day processing. This is an optional feature that can be activated
by the INCONTROL administrator. Activation of this feature is described
under parameter HIST in the INCONTROL for OS/390 Administration Guide.
Jobs in the History Jobs file can by request be restored to the Active Jobs file,
for subsequent restart.

Jobs remain in the History Jobs file until they are deleted according to
criteria defined in the job scheduling definition

Monitoring of Resources in CONTROL-M

Monitoring of Resources in CONTROL-M

          Three types of runtime criteria require CONTROL-M to monitor the
existence of conditions and the availability of resources system-wide

Conditions and Resources

Condition or Resource               Description

Quantitative resources --------->Quantity of a resource required by the job. For example,
                                                a job may require two tape drives.
Control resources      -----------> Mode (exclusive or shared) in which a resource is
                                                required. For example, a backup job may require
                                                 exclusive access to a specified dataset.
Prerequisite conditions ---------->User-defined conditions that must exist before a job is
                                                submitted. A major use of prerequisite conditions is to
                                                establish job dependencies

The condition and resource requirements of a job are defined in the job
scheduling definition.

Prerequisite conditions are tracked by the IOA Conditions file. Existing and
available Quantitative resources and Control resources are tracked by the
CONTROL-M Resources file. Prior to version 6.0.00, conditions and
resources were stored in a single file, the Conditions/Resources file.

When the prerequisite conditions and resources required by a job are
available, the job can be submitted by the monitor (if all other runtime
scheduling criteria are satisfied

Automated Job Submission in CONTROL-M

Automated Job Submission in CONTROL-M

Ibm production tool CONTROL-M  materiel, CONTROL-M  Interview questions
And Answers For Automating Job Scheduling in CONTROL-M 

           Once a job has been placed in the Active Jobs file, the CONTROL-M
monitor does not submit the job unless all its runtime scheduling criteria, as
defined in the job scheduling definition, are satisfied. Several types of
runtime criteria can be defined.

Runtime Criteria

Criteria               Description

Time   ------>    Submission must occur during a specified time range.
Priority ------>   Jobs can be assigned internal priorities, so that if two jobs are
                   ready for submission at the same time, the higher-priority job is
                     submitted first.
Due Out ------->  If two jobs with the same priority are ready for submission, the
                   job with the earlier due out time is submitted first

Automatic JCL Update: JCL and AutoEdit Facility

Automatic JCL Update: JCL and AutoEdit Facility

In the production environment, JCL must often be manually modified prior to
submission of a job, as in the following cases:
• changing a parameter or a date card
• supplying tape numbers in JCL procedures
• eliminating steps under different run conditions, for example, when end
of month processing differs from normal daily run

Manual modification of the JCL is inconvenient at best, and it can be
error-prone and lead to serious problems. The JCL and AutoEdit facility
offers an automated alternative to manual JCL update.

The JCL and AutoEdit facility permits AutoEdit terms, such as AutoEdit
variables, functions, and control statements, to be specified in the JCL in
place of values that change from job submission to job submission. AutoEdit
terms are prefixed by %%, which distinguishes them from non-AutoEdit
terms. For example, the term %%ODAY is recognized as an AutoEdit term.
The values of user-defined variables that have been defined as Sysplex-wide,
using the XAE facility, remain both in memory and in a Coupling facility.
These values can be used for additional triggering of the same job or other
CONTROL-M jobs, in the same computer or in different computers of the
same Sysplex.
At time of job submission, AutoEdit terms in the JCL are resolved to, that is,
replaced by, their actual values.

Certain AutoEdit terms may also be used within job scheduling definitions.
The JCL and the AutoEdit facility is described in detail in Chapter 5, “JCL
and AutoEdit Facility.”

Automating Job Scheduling in CONTROL-M

Automating Job Scheduling in CONTROL-M 

Ibm production tool CONTROL-M  materiel, CONTROL-M  Interview questions
And Answers For Automating Job Scheduling in CONTROL-M 

 One of the main purposes of CONTROL-M is to automate job scheduling.
We have already explained that basic scheduling criteria for each job are
defined in its job scheduling definition, and that a copy of the job scheduling
definition is placed in the Active Jobs file when the basic scheduling criteria
are satisfied.

The CONTROL-M monitor operates continually. It evaluates the production
environment and implements decisions.

The mechanism used to place job scheduling definitions automatically in the
Active Jobs file is called New Day processing.
At a set time each day (defined during installation as the site’s start of day),
CONTROL-M performs New Day processing, during which:

• CONTROL-M performs a number of maintenance and cleanup functions
that the operator would otherwise have to perform manually.

• Job scheduling definitions are selected from the scheduling tables (based
on their basic scheduling criteria) and are placed in the Active Jobs file.
These jobs can then be submitted and tracked by the CONTROL-M

Job Scheduling Definitions

Job Scheduling Definitions:

Ibm production tool Controal-M Martial, Controal-M Interview questions
And Answers for Job Scheduling  Definition  in Controal-m

A job scheduling definition specifies criteria that identify decisions to be
made, and actions to be taken, regarding the handling of a particular job.
Each job scheduling definition contains the following sections

General Parameters --------->  General information about the job

Basic Scheduling Parameters--------->Criteria according to which CONTROL-M
 schedules the job.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters -------->Runtime requirements that must be satisfied 
before CONTROL-M submits the job.

Post-processing Parameters---------->Actions CONTROL-M performs after the job ends,
depending upon the outcome of job execution.

Job scheduling definitions only need be defined once for each job in the
production environment

Job scheduling definitions are stored in scheduling tables (members) in a
scheduling library. A default scheduling library name automatically appears
in the entry panel. Ensure that you use a test library or your own work library.
You should not use the JCL library.

the main components of CONTROL-M

the main components of CONTROL-M:
• Scheduling Definition facility
• Tracking and Control facility: Active Environment screen

CONTROL-M automates the setup, scheduling, and execution of jobs in the
OS/390 and z/OS environment. This is essentially a two step process:

1. You must tell CONTROL-M how you want job processing handled.
Job scheduling and processing instructions are provided through the
Scheduling Definition facility, a main component of CONTROL-M.
You specify these instructions in job scheduling definitions that you
define in the Job Scheduling Definition screen. Each job scheduling
definition must be defined only once; it can then be used as often as
needed. Job scheduling definitions are stored in scheduling tables, or
members, in a scheduling library.

2. Using the instructions you provided in the job scheduling definitions,
CONTROL-M automatically tracks and controls the setup, scheduling,
and execution of the job. CONTROL-M provides you with constant
feedback on job processing, and enables you to manually intervene in the
processing of jobs, through a series of screens.
“Tracking and Control facility” is a general term that applies to the
screens that provide feedback on job processing, and enable manual
intervention. The main screen in this facility is the Active Environment
screen, which provides status and other information for currently
scheduled and recently completed jobs, and accepts your commands and
instructions. The Active Environment screen also acts as a gateway to
other screens in the Tracking and Control facility.

Interdiction to CONTROL-M

CONTROL-M is an automated production control and scheduling system
that manages and automates the setup, scheduling and execution of jobs in
the OS/390 and z/OS data center

Mainframe Production tool CONTROL-M materiel , CONTROL-M interview questions and answers.

.CONTROL-M automates the setup, scheduling, and execution of jobs in the
OS/390 and z/OS environment.

CONTROL-M automates job processing in your data center.

• It performs virtually all the job handling tasks of computer operators.
• It provides an interface that enables the user to intervene in the process of
production management.
• It provides continual data and status information regarding job

The CONTROL-M monitor handles and controls job processing:
Runtime Scheduling
• It checks the runtime requirements specified in each job scheduling
definition in the Active Jobs file, monitors available resources and
conditions in the environment, and if it determines that the conditions
and resources required by a job are available, it allocates the resources
and submits the job.
• It monitors the execution of the job.
• It implements post-processing decisions based on instructions in the job
scheduling definition and the results of the job execution.
The CONTROL-M monitor operates continually. It evaluates the production
environment and implements decisions.

CONTROL-M contains many facilities and components. Working together,
they automate the data center. This chapter introduces the CONTROL-M
facilities and components from a functional perspective, beginning with the
major components that comprise the heart of CONTROL-M and progressing
to the more minor components that enhance the functionality of

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Procedures in jcl

Procedures in jcl:

 Procedures are reusable objects. procedures are called and reused in where in
 jcl  program.

Jcl interview questions and answers for what are procedures in jcl.
how we define procedures in jcl. how many types of procedures are in jcl.

Procedures are reusable object which is called any where in jcl. procedures
should not contain job lib. procedures only contain step lib.
sysin DD* not used in procedures. procedure are two types they are
   1)Catalog procedure
   2)In stream procedure.

Catalog procedure:
   Catalog procedure is procedure which can be define oust side  the jcl program
   and call it in any where in program is called catalog procedure.
   Sys in dummy is used in catalog  procedure.

  Example for Catalog procedure:
   //step01  Exec pgm= p1
  //DD1      DD   Dsn= 0ZA91.ABC.orders., disp= shr
  //step02   Exec  pgm= p2
  //DD2      DD   Dsn=, disp= shr

 //job001  job   (ABC),'XYZ'
 //proclib  joblib order=, disp=shr
 //step01  Exec  XYZ
 //Sysout DD  sysout= *

In stream procedure:
  In stream procedure is a procedure which can write with in a job itself is called
  as In stream procedure. In stream procedure can be write with in the program.

Catalog procedure can't place in in stream procedure. 

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Dummy Data sets and Temporary data sets in jcl

Dummy Data sets :

  Dummy data sets are used to pass the control from one step to another step
  with out  exhigution .

  Mainframe interview questions and answers, jcl interview questions and answers for 
   what is Dummy Data sets  in jcl, how  Dummy Data sets  give in jcl

  Dummy Data sets are used to pass the  exhigution  to the next step  with out  exhigution .
  this can avoid the Failure due to empty file.
  For Example take fallowing example.

  //Step01  Exec pgm= p1
 //DD1       DD  Dsn= Dummy or Null file
 //Step02   Exec pgm=p2
 //DD2      DD   Dsn=, disp=shr

 in the above example the step01 contain empty data set if does not give as dummy
 it is Failed due to lack of data. to avoid this if give data set as dummy then control 
 goes Directly to Step02 with out  exhigution of step01.

Temporary data sets:
    Temporary Data sets are used to pass data from one step to another step.
    After exhigution  of job the temporary data sets are automatically deleted.  

what is Refer back in jcl

what is Refer back in jcl?

Mainframe interview questions and answers, jcl interview questions and answers
for what is Refer back in jcl, how  Refer back  done in jcl

we can done Refer back the data set in jcl. by using this Refer Back it possible to 
call the data set which is in another step to this step is called Refer Back.

For Example take fallowing jcl program

//Step 01 Exec pgm=p1
//DD1      DD,disp=shr
//DD2      DD, disp=old
//Step02   Exec pgm=p2
//DD3      DD,disp=shr
//Step03   Exec  pgm=p3
//DD3      DD    Dsn=*.Step01.DD1.(Refer Back)

in the above the data set in the step01 has reused by call in step03
this is called Refer Back .

Dataset properties given in jcl

Dataset properties given in jcl:

Data properties we can in jcl by using DISP command
the syntax of disp is
   Disp= (status, Abnormal termination, normal termination)

  in disp in status we can give 4 options they are
       1)New--->to Create a new data set
       2)Shr  --->to read the data from data set
       3)Old---->to write the data to data set
       4)Mod--->to Append the data to data set

in Normal termination give the properties as
      3)un catalog

in Abnormal termination we can give properties as
      2)un catalog

what is difference between catalog and UN catalog?

   if u give catalog it will store in some volume. so it is easy to retrieve
   in un catalog the data set will store in unknown volume. so it is hard to retrieve. .

How many ways send data to cobal

How many ways send data to cobal?

cobal interview questions and answers for how many ways we can send
Data to cobal program.

we send data to the cobal program in 5 ways they are

1) By using sysin DD *

2)By using Parm parameter

3)By using Files

4)By Another System

5)Through Keyboard

Parm parameter in jcl:

  Parm parameter is key word parameter in jcl. in jcl job cart we can specify value
  to Parm parameter. this is used to pass data to cobal program.