Tuesday, 5 June 2012

How to scheduling of a job into the CA-7 request queue

Ibm production Tool Ca7, Ca7 Basic Commands, Ca7 Interview Questions And Answers

How to scheduling of a job into the CA-7 request queue?

There are five ways by which the jobs come into the Request Queue
1.      Sscan(scheduled scan)  
2.      Auto
3.      Demand
4.      Run
5.      Load
Used to force immediate scheduling of a job into the CA-7 request queue.
     The above command is to demand a job with no triggers
To demand a job which needs to be restarted from a particular step.
 Always cross check the SCHID and trigger option before demanding the job.
·         Default SCHID is 001 and with triggers.
·         It is always safe to demand a job with hold
How a job enters into the Request(REQ)Queue?
There are three ways, a job can enter into the Request Queue[REQ]. A job can be Scheduled, triggered or demanded out.
(1)   Scheduled(SSCN)-Jobs can be scheduled to run at a fixed time—For example, Reporting job runs every month-end at 08:00PM, Load jobs run every-day at 05:00AM and so on.
(2)   Triggered(AUTO)-A parent job X, when it runs to successful completion, can TRIGGER another child job Y. A TRIGGER automatically brings job Y into the REQ Queue.
(3)   Demanded(DEMD)-A Job X can programmatically demand out another Job Y.

For example,
  Job X has the following code:

    If Input File contains DATA
         Demand Job Y

Here, Job Y is brought into the Request Queue[REQ], only if the Input-file has data records. If the Input file is empty, if there is no data to process, the job is not demanded out, So, in this fashion, you can exercise more control, over how the job kicks off.

1 comment:

  1. Just want to add one point
    Dataset trigger(Copying a dataset) can also demand a job in CA7
