How to Restart a job
Mainframe interview questions and answers for How to Restart a job, Ibm production tool Ca7 interview
questions and answers for How to Restart a job
The term restart is interpreted
as restarting the job in the step in which it has failed. We can even restart
from any other step also.
Restarting a Job in CA-7:
Insert the restart card in JCL we can give restart card by using restart parameter.
this can be used to restart the job with the failed step. after write restart and resubmit
it in XQM panel. we can give E in front of the job in Xqm panel then place X in front
of Resubmit option.
If in the loop any step is failed rather than began step of loop first we can break the loop then only
we can restart from that step. if we can not break the loop then it will start from began step of
Restarting a job in CA-11:
In job definition panel in execution section in insert_rms option if we give N
then the job define in Ca7. if we give Y then job define in ca11.
it from XQM panel. But we can even change the step name from where it should be started
In xqm panel we give E in front of job then an panel will open in that we will give in insert_rms
option step name which is restarted and previous step name and return code .
What is rms